Dr. Joanne Jones has been at Pleasant Valley Veterinary Clinic since June 1985. She is a West Virginia native, graduated from West Virginia University in 1980, and then received her Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Georgia in 1984. She practiced near Macon, Georgia for 1 year before coming to Pennsylvania. Her primary focus at Pleasant Valley Veterinary Clinic is general medicine including vaccinations and parasite control. She currently lives on a beef farm with her husband and family in Southern Washington County. She and her husband recently helped celebrate their grandson’s first birthday in Feb 2020. Dr. Jones enjoys horseback riding with her two new gaited horses, as well as driving retired standardbreds in their buggy. Her family also has 1 dog, 3 horses, and over 60 beef cows that calve every spring. She enjoys travel and has visited several countries in Europe.